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Hot Pink Birthday Balloon Letter Sculpture   –  WOW!!!  Over 10 feet Birhday Balloon Letter Sculpture, changing colors is never a problem with Bond Party Supplies. This is a beautiful piece for any ocassion and its going to be center of attention in any party, great arrangement to take a pictures as well. As always, Bond Party Supplies offers free delivery in Miami Area.




* We create our balloon sculptures every day and we can never repeat an identical bunch, it's always unique and amazing. Bouquets you order will be very similar bouquets but might not be identical. There may be a slight color difference or size.

Hot Pink Birthday Balloon Letter Sculpture (For Longer Names)

  • Enter The Date & AproximateTime Of Delivery?* :

    Times of delivery depends of address, however it starts 10:30AM to 8PM

    We need 2 hours time frame to better assist you and to be more precisely on time for your deliveries.

    Ex : "11am - 1Pm",  "3-5PM" or  "Anytime Before 5PM"



    For Same Day Delivery, Please call for eligibility first.  For Same Day Delivery Times will be delivered according eligibility.

    Pickup Hours                Delivery Hours
    10am to 7pm                 10:30am to 8pm (Depending of Address)

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